Last updated:09-05-2008
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Definition and causes

Knoglebetændelse is an infection caused by bacteria in bone tissue. Typically, there has previously been the infection elsewhere in the body, from which the bacteria has spread to the blood to the bone. In rare cases, knoglebetændelse seen after fractures or operation of the bones. In newborns, it is usually streptococci that cause infection, while in older children and adults are more often staphylococci .

Knoglebetændelse seen most frequently at the ends of the long rørknogler like. femur, or upper arm. From there, inflammation particularly in children under 2 years spread to the nearby part. People who are in poor nutritional status, immunocompromised or widespread disease, in particular the risk of getting knoglebetændelse.

Symptoms of knoglebetændelse

  • Fever (not always seen in children under 1 year).

  • Pain in the part of the bone, where the inflammation is.

  • The lack of desire to use the arm or leg, where inflammation sit.

  • Swelling, redness and warmth of the skin over the part of the bone, where the inflammation is.

Precautions and diagnosis

The suspect knoglebetændelse should immediately consult a doctor as early treatment is important. The doctor will take blood samples, where the special 2 samples, which says something about the infection in the body, often will be elevated (CRP and sænkningsreaktion). A blood sample is also sent to the cultivation, in order to find out which bacteria which has caused knoglebetændelsen.

An X-ray will be able to show changes in the bone, but often these are only apparent after several weeks of knoglebetændelse. Instead, can you create a knogleskintigrafi, where syringes radiolabeled tracer into a vein, and after a few hours taking pictures of the bones with a special gammakamera. If there is knoglebetændelse, an area in a bright particular bone up on the picture. You can also make a MRI of the bones.

When the doctor using the above studies have seen an area where there is suspicion inflammation, he will graft or take a biopsy from the bone, which must be sent to microscopic examination and study of the bacterium that is in the bone (a culture)

Consideration of knoglebetændelse

There would have to be given antibiotics directly into a vein (intravenously). This must be given in 8-12 weeks, until infektionstallene (CRP, sænkningsreaktion and white cells) is normal. Therefore, during the examination regularly take blood samples in order to verify the efficacy of treatment. Since antibiotikaen be given directly into a vein, it is often necessary to be hospitalized during treatment. The infected body is often in plaster to ensure that it kept quiet.

In many cases, antibiotikaen not penetrate to the inflammation, because this is encapsulated by an abscess in the bone. In such cases, it may be necessary to operate to get cleaned up in the bone tissue and creating an outlet for inflammation.

Select and complications

If treatment with antibiotics started quickly, heal the bone as a rule, fine, and there will not be some consequences of knoglebetændelse. If knoglebetændelsen goods long, it can destroy the bone tissue, and particularly in children can destroy vækstskiven in the bone so that bone can not grow more. Betændelsen can also spread into the stage and destroy it.




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