A pacemaker is an electronic device that supplies the heart with electrical impulses in cases where the heart's own pulse pipeline system is sidelined by various cases of heart block. The Pulse transferred to the heart through an electrode, which is placed directly in the heart wall or brought to the heart through a vein or other appropriate, as it leads a thin wire through. Electrode was connected with a pulse generator, powered by batteries with a lifetime of from eight to ten years. A pacemaker can completely take over the pulse wire to the heart or interacting with weakened impulses from the heart.
A pacemaker can sometimes only be necessary in a transitional period in connection with the heart tissue heal after a myocardial infarction. In such cases, the pulse generator worn outside your body and be connected to the heart through a pipeline. Generally, however, tends to transplanting the entire device in the skin of the porous tissue, which can be found in breast hulens walls.
A patient with a pacemaker examined at regular intervals to check the pace make the feature. When the battery starts of running out, switched it easily through a small surgery. It is nowadays quite common that people have pacemakers.
Modern pacemakers are relatively insensitive to external influences, but if you have a pacemaker, one should keep away from strong radio and radar equipment and not go through the metal detectors found at airports. Some models may be affected by electromagnetic waves from microwave ovens, MRI scanners and similar devices. For most surgical uses a so-called diatermiapparat (as electrical path to produce heat) to stop the bleeding. These appliances can and
Placing a pacemaker Pulse from the pacemaker are going to the heart through a pipeline, which enter into a vein behind the key leg and on to the heart. If the pacemaker should be worn permanently, usually Monday to operate the entire system within the skin, and pacemaker placed in the wall to the chest.