Cardiac structure The blood flowing through the heart in two separate circuits, respectively. through right and left heart half. In the left heart pumped half the oxygenated blood from the lungs further into the body via the arteries (arteries pulse). In right heart half run that iltfattige blood, which submitted its oxygen to the muscles and organs in the body, entering through the veins (blood vessels), and then pumped into the lungs to be oxygenated again. Each heart half is further divided into a pre-chamber (atrium) and a heart (ventricle), which is located in rapid succession. Chambers is separated from heart valves to prevent the blood run backwards in the system (see the heart valves).
Cardiac electrical cord system Cardiac contraction is controlled by a specific type of heart cells, calledpacemaker cellsThat as something very unique in the body has the ability to deliver electrical impulses in a regular rhythm, which can be adjusted up and down according to need (eg. By physical exertion or sleep).Sinusknuden, Who sits in the heart pre right, is a collection of these pacemaker cells, which give the overall electrical impulse. The impulse to run in specialpipeline opensin the rest of the heart through forkammerknuden (AV Gordian knot), And receive continuous cardiac muscle to pull together and thus pump the blood forward into the system. These wire lanes have been constructed in a way that momentum is spreading out to different heart chambers with different delay. This means that each chamber drawn together in the order that is optimal to pump blood efficiently through the heart. Forkamrene drawn together first, then lengthwise. Forkamrenes function is to fill lengthwise enough blood. Disturbances of heart rhythm (cardiac arrhythmias) A disturbance in this complex electrical system called for a disturbance in heart rhythm or acardiac arrhythmia. A disturbance in heart rhythm can lead to heart works less efficiently, and the symptoms that appear, because there is not enough oxygen to the brain (dizziness and fainting), muscles (faintness and cramps) and not least to the heart itself (heart spasm and cardiac arrest). Many disturbances in heart rhythm has been less severe and only mild symptoms. An electrocardiogram (ECG) examines the heart electric shock, and therefore can giThe most common types of arrhythmias are treated in the articles on forkammerflimmer and flutter, extra stroke, heart block and racing heartbeat.