Definition and causes Cardiac arrest means that the heart pump function waive, and blood circulation thereby ending. This leads to body organs no longer receive oxygen in the blood. Without oxygen may be irreversible organ damage within minutes. The first to take the injury is the brain. It is necessary to make immediate heart beat. The most important thing is heart massage, and guidelines for basic resuscitation (ie revival of the layman's) rests in most of all on this.
Since the cause of cardiac arrest is often a disturbance in the electrical activity is the main component of advanced resuscitation often with shockdefibrillators(apparatus to deliver electric shocks to revive heart).Cardiac arrest caused most serious rhythm disturbance in the heart, often due to underlying disease, for example. a heart attack, but may also be due to causes outside of the heart as a blood clot in the lung, obstruction of the air pipe, medication overdose or violent disturbance of salt balance in the body. Symptoms of cardiac arrest A few seconds after the heart stops to beat, the following symptoms:- Unconsciousness.
- Pallor and blåfarvning of lips, fingers and toes.
- Muscle cramps can occur.
Cardiac arrest is acknowledged by people who are not trained health professional, by unconsciousness and absence of breathing. Precautions If you are witnessing a cardiac arrest, then get help as soon as possible (call 112 or get medical attention, if available). Until help arrives, it is important to begin basic resuscitation in the form of injection and heart massage.At the time of writing the guidelines for basic resuscitation that alternately given heart massage 30 pressure (at a frequency around 100 per. Min.) Followed by 2 injection (mouth to mouth or mouth to nose). These guidelines reviewed and it is therefore important that all people as far as possible be kept informed of the guidelines for basic resuscitation, and it is recommended to take courses in basic resuscitation (which should be kept up by frequent repetition, preferably once a year ). Treatment of cardiac arrest Advanced resuscitation conducted by professional health personnel and involves, inter alia: Record Ning of an electrocardiogram (ECG), which measures the heart electrical activity, which is crucial to decide the treatment to be implemented. In some cases, have some defibrillators, which deliver electric shocks to stimulate the heart. Medical treatment with medikamina that counteract rhythm disturbances or help the heart to pull together, is also used frequently.Forecast The prognosis depends on how quickly carried out basic resuscitation, as well as the operative cause. There is generally better prognosis for heart failure, which occurs in a hospital, where rapid recognition of the status and easy access to the necessary equipment are crucial factors. Children are generally better prognosis.