The normal blood pressure
The heart pumps regularly iltmættet blood into the arteries (arteries). This reaches all organs and tissues in the body where oxygenated being used. The oxygen of blood leading back to the heart with veins (veins). It is pumped into the lungs where it gives carbon dioxide (CO2) as exhale. The blood receives oxygen back into the lungs. The pressure which the heart makes when it pumps, is called blood pressure. The pressure is measured in how many millimeters of mercury it can "promise". The two measured blood pressure. The systolic (the high value) the pressure generated when the heart withdraws maximum along and pumps blood into the arteries. It diastoliske (low value), blood pressure measured when the heart relaxes and fills with blood. We write it as such. 120/80 mm Hg, o A normal blood pressure is around 120/80. But with age one's arteries become stiffer, and the blood pressure rises, so it is not unusual to have a systolic blood pressure around 150 mmHg in 70 years of age. Blood pressure is very individual from person to person, and you may also have low blood pressure.
Measuring blood pressureBlood pressure measured in the upper artery with a blood pressure apparatus. A cuff placed around the arm and inflated to a pressure value of the expected blood pressure. Artery afklemmes completely. By closing the air slowly cuffs, can the doctor with stethoscope in albuebøjningen hear when the pulse (blood) come back and read the pressure on a gauge. Today it can be done automatically and there are small electronic home sphygmomanometers. It is important that the boom is at the same height as the heart, the pressure is measured, otherwise it may give a misleading value. Get his blood pressure taken at the doctor must first measure the pressure in both arms, as there may be differences in blood pressure. Subsequently, the pressure measured in the arm with highest pressure.
It is important that blood pressure taken at rest, for example. has been reduced in ca. 5 min. It should not be drinking coffee or having smoked tobacco immediately before. Many may become anxious when they come to the doctor, and nervousness raises blood pressure (white coat effect). Blood pressure should be checked regularly over a few months before possible. blood pressure lowering therapy is started. Definition and causes of high blood pressureHigh blood pressure, also called hyper toni or hypertensio arterialis is defined by a systolic pressure above 140 mmHg and / or diastolisk pressure above 90 mmHg. There are many causes that are associated with the development of hypertension: Smoking.
Alcohol consumption of more than 2 articles per day.
High salt intake.
Elevated cholesterol.
High blood pressure in the family or increased familial tendency tostroke,heart attackorheart failure.
Lack of exercise.
Male. Males are affected earlier than females.
Medications, such as. adrenal cortical hormones or the pill.
Arteriosclerosis offers high blood pressure, and most of the above factors, operating simultaneously åreforkalkende. See also: Prevention of arteriosclerosis. It divides hypertension in 2 broad groups:Essential hypertension. We do not know the exact reason, but the above factors play a greater or lesser degree. 95% with high blood pressure have this type.
Secondary hypertension. The high blood pressure caused by the disease in another organ in the body, often in the kidneys or adrenals. The condition can also arise during the pregnancy.
If the condition is slowly progressive end and can be kept in check with a blood pressure-lowering medication is known as benign (benign) hypertension. If the disease develops rapidly, it is called malignant (malignant) hypertension, and it is a very serious condition which untreated can lead to kidney failure, heart failure and / or stroke.
High blood pressure is in the West a folkesygdom, and it is estimated that around. 200,000 Danes suffering from it. Most, however, in mild or moderate degree.
Symptoms of high blood pressureHigh blood pressure rarely gives any symptoms, and most have found hyper toni by a routine blood pressure check with your doctor. Very high blood pressure (diastolisk pressure above 120) could prove by:
Headache, Nosebleeds, Shortness of breath, Heart Bank
Undetected can be the first symptom of hypertension seen in stroke, heart disease or kidney failure.
 Precautions and diagnosisThe most important precaution is to avoid as many of the above triggers as possible. A lifestyle change with smoking cessation, healthy, low salt diet, ample exercise and weight loss, and moderate drinking habits will in most cases lower one's blood pr |