Last updated:10-15-2008
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Definition and causes

The heart surrounded by a double layer pericardial sac (perikardiet). The innermost layer has grown along with the surface of the heart, and the outer layer of the heart bag stuck to the agencies around the heart (including lungs and diaphragm). In between the two leaves, there is a thin liquid film that makes the heart can beat almost smooth.

Perikarditisis the name given to an inflammation of the heart sac. There are many factors that can trigger mode:

  • Virus. By far the most common cause of perikarditis. May be very mild, and it is estimated that there are many cases that will never be diagnosed.

  • Idiopathic. A common term for the diseases that have arisen without you know why.

  • Bacteria. Is anything more serious than viral perikarditis, but more rare. Can sometimes caused by tuberculosis.

  • Auto Immune Disease. How the body's own immune system attacks the heart sac. Can be viewed by particular SLE.

  • Can also be a complication due to coronary disease.

There diagnosed around. 200 cases of perikarditis a year in Denmark.

Symptoms of acute hjertesæksbetændelse

The symptom severity can vary greatly. The main symptom ispain behind the sternum. The pain can jet off to the neck or left shoulder. The pain will typically get worse in the supine position and improved by sitting and upright.

If you experience difficulty breathing and coughing, suggests that the mode has spread to lungehinden. There may bemild feverassociated with the disease. In particular, bacterial and some autoimmune perikarditer can give fever.

As mentioned, the symptoms of a viral perikarditis be very modest, so it's not all cases are being recorded by a doctor.

Precautions and diagnosis

Monday marks strong pain behind the sternum, it is important to consult a doctor. In the worst cases, the pain remind myocardial infarction, and it is very important to have excluded this.

The doctor will listen to the heart, and there will often be heard a murmur.
An electrocardiogram (ECG) will show a typical picture of acute perikarditis.

When a blood test examines whether there are elevated cardiac enzymes. This will be seen if the inflammation has spread to the heart muscle (myocarditis), or if there is a myocardial infarction. In an echocardiography, the physician may see if there is fluid leaked out in hjertesækshulen.

Treatment of acute hjertesæksbetændelse

Without treatment, most forms move by themselves during the 2-6 weeks.
Treatment with aspirin (magnyl, aspirin and others), or inflammation retardants, as the so-called gout funds (ibuprofen, ipren and others), will often be enough in the remaining cases. In severe cases can be treated with adrenal cortical hormones (prednisone).

Select and complications

The vast majority of cases have good prognosis, and the disease is completely cured. About 25% will see the state get back at some point in their lives.

In a few percent complication arises in the form of soft and rigid attachment of heart sac. It can lead to heart pumps not optimal. This condition is called armor heart.



Related articles:

Acute hjertesæksbetændelse (Acute perikarditis)
Armored Heart (Konstriktiv perikarditis)
Change of heart muscle caused by alcoholism and malnutrition
Enlarged heart (hypertrophic cardiomyopathy)
Heart muscle inflammation (myocarditis)



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