The definition, causes and symptoms Akrocyanose is a state of lack of oxygen in the outer parts of the body's limbs, ie. fingers and toes. It can also be found on the wrists and lægmusklerne.
Mode spasticity caused convulsions in the small blood-supplying arteries (arterioles), which goes to the fingers and toes. Passport resulted means that there will not be fed enough oxygen to the fingers and / or toes, and these are blåfarvede because it iltfattige blood.The condition is very common, and frequently seen in younger women. It appears frequently in the cold.Blåfarvningenappears symmetrical on both hands and / or both feet. The skin becomesobnoxious SweatingandcoldBut there isnonepainor sores on the skin. Precautions Mode is quite harmless, and moves by itself. There has been no underlying disease, and it is not necessary treatment. It is recommended to keep hands and feet warm, if we have tendency to akrocyanose.There are particular connective disease, which can give blåfarvning of fingers and toes. These can be serious, but the symptoms will often prove to be asymmetrical and only on the individual toes or fingers. We are often aware of her underlying disease.
Read also Raynaud's syndrome.